Refugees In Malaysia


    Refugees // Poverty and homelessness

    Refugees, caused by poverty and  homelessness are worldwide problems. According to Habitat for Humanity , one-quarter of the world's population lives in conditions that harm their health and safety. Many do not have shelter, a basic human need for survival. This social issue also goes beyond the 25% of the population directly affected. Because of the lack of shelter for this vulnerable population, there is greater stress on government and social programs, including schools and healthcare systems.

    What are the effects of child poverty?

    Psychological research has demonstrated that living in poverty has a wide range of negative effects on the physical and mental health and well-being of our nation’s children. Poverty impacts children within their various contexts at home, in school, and in their neighborhoods and communities. 

    ·         Poverty is linked with negative conditions such as substandard housing, homelessness, inadequate nutrition and food insecurity, inadequate child care, lack of access to health care, unsafe neighborhoods, and underresourced schools which adversely impact our nation’s children. 

    ·         Poorer children and teens are also at greater risk for several negative outcomes such as poor academic achievement, school dropout, abuse and neglect, behavioral and socioemotional problems, physical health problems, and developmental delays. 

    ·         These effects are compounded by the barriers children and their families encounter when trying to access physical and mental health care. 

    Poverty and physical health

    Children and teens living in poorer communities are at increased risk for a wide range of physical health problems: 

    • Low birth weight 
    • Poor nutrition which is manifested in the following ways: 

    a.       Inadequate food which can lead to food insecurity/hunger 

    b.       Lack of access to healthy foods and areas for play or sports which can lead to childhood overweight or obesity 

    • Chronic conditions such as asthma, anemia and pneumonia 
    • Risky behaviors such as smoking or engaging in early sexual activity 
    • Exposure to environmental contaminants, e.g., lead paint and toxic waste dumps 
    • Exposure to violence in their communities which can lead to trauma, injury, disability and mortality



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